O u r S t o r y

In 1928, the Kontogeorgos family began its winemaking tradition when Serafeim Kontogeorgos planted the first vineyards in the semi-mountainous region of Atalanti.

Meanwhile, in 1935, Tasos Igglezos, from the other side of the family, also started grape cultivation. The initial vineyards were planted with Savvatiano and Roditis varieties.

From 1950 to 1995, the tradition was carried on by Vasilis Kontogeorgos, the father of the current owner, Makis Kontogeorgos.

Kainas winery

O u r S t o r y

In 1928, the Kontogeorgos family began its winemaking tradition when Serafeim Kontogeorgos planted the first vineyards in the semi-mountainous region of Atalanti.

Meanwhile, in 1935, Tasos Igglezos, from the other side of the family, also started grape cultivation. The initial vineyards were planted with Savvatiano and Roditis varieties.

From 1950 to 1995, the tradition was carried on by Vasilis Kontogeorgos, the father of the current owner, Makis Kontogeorgos.


I t a l y ' s M o s t R e c o g n i z e d W i n e r y


M a k i s K o n t o g e o r g o s

Makis Kontogeorgos represents the new generation of Kainas Winery. A graduate of the Department of Oenology and Beverage Technology at Athens TEI, he has substantial experience from working in major winemaking facilities.

In 2003, he returned to Atalanti and established his own oenology laboratory, while also creating wines for enthusiasts and others. Over time, he upgraded the winery and expanded the vineyards.

In 2008, Makis introduced his own labels and brand to the market, continually adapting the winery’s equipment to meet contemporary demands. Today, as the manager of the winery and overseer of the estate vineyards in the Atalanti Valley, Makis brings a fresh perspective and modern knowledge, while keeping the family tradition alive.


O v e r N i n e D e c a d e s o f H i s t o r y


The Beginning

Our story begins three generations ago, when Serafeim Kontogeorgos started grape cultivation and winemaking in the Panampelia and Katampelia regions.


On the other side of the family, Tasos Igglezos joined the family tradition with his own grape cultivation.

1950 - 1995

Continuing the Tradition

Vasilis Kontogeorgos continues the winemaking tradition of his ancestors.


The New Generation

Makis Kontogeorgos begins his studies in the Department of Oenology and Beverage Technology at Athens TEI.


Oenology Laboratory

Makis returns to Atalanti and establishes his own oenology laboratory within the winery premises.

2008 - PRESENT

Kainas Winery

Makis launches his own labels. The winery continues to produce high-quality wines, constantly renewing its techniques and equipment to offer unique tasting experiences.

kainas winery

Discover Our Wines

Our red wines are unfiltered and crafted with minimal intervention to preserve the natural characteristics of each variety. This approach allows you to savor the true character and purity of the grapes, exactly as nature intended.